Weigh Station Protocol

Weigh Station Protocol

  • Once you get within a half- to quarter-mile of the station, signs will indicate whether it’s open or closed.
  • When you come to an open weigh station, get in the right lane and in line for the scale.
  • Some weigh stations will also note whether they have PrePass service, which will let you speed up the process significantly if equipped.

Weigh Station Approach

  • Stay off the cell phone even if you have a “Hands-Free” device.
  • All your attention needs to be directed towards the weigh and inspection station.
  • Follow the speed limits set forth at the station.
  • If you accidentally pass up the entrance to the station, do NOT pull over to the shoulder and back up to the entrance.
  • You have already incurred a violation by passing the scale.
  • Keep going, and hope that enforcement does not come after you.
  • It is extremely dangerous to back up on the roadway.